Report by MARÍA
If you have about 4days you can make a complete route that goes from Lima to Cuzco in addition to including a trip end in which to relax a few days in the area of Iquitos or Puerto Maldonado, to enjoy the Amazon.
The normal flight price per person is € 1,346
DURATION OF THand 25 minutes, but stopping in MadrE FLIGHT: the flight lasts 13h id Adolfo Suarez-Barajas (MAD) Lasts: 14h and 57 minutes.
Departure time: 19:00 22:50
Arrival tim Departure time: 19:00 22: e: 00:40 06:30
What makes you proud to visit Lima?
The beaches, the food, the architecture, among others, were the outstanding characteristics.
The tradicional peru food is Creamy Chicken, Potatoes In Spicy Cheese Sauce, Guinea Pig ....
The Larco Museum houses a collection of pre-Columbian art and the Museum of the Nation traces the history of the ancient civilizations of Peru. The Plaza de Armas and the 16th century cathedral are the core of the old center of Lima.
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